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Hefan Environment Reading Club -- launching conference of family inheritance and learning

Origin:Hefan    Hit:    Time:2021-02-01

Challenge yourself, pursue excellence, create miracle, start from reading!
Read! Because reading can cultivate sentiment and increase wisdom!
Read! Because in reading, you can appreciate life and feel life!
Read! Let us all develop the habit of loving reading, reading more and reading good books!
Read! Let reading become an indispensable part of our life!
Every day, every week, every month, every year in the future
I will follow the company's learning process
Love reading, read more and study more
Participate in reading clock out every day
Although reading can not change the length of life, but can change the width of life!
Colleagues, together for a better tomorrow, come on!

Copyright @ 2019 Liaoning Hefan Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved

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Contact:Manager Liu



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